Let’s talk about Practice.
What do you think about when I say the word “practice”? Any good coach would, and in our training, we talk about what you need to do and to practice each and every day to make a change to see something actually happen. Well, how are you doing with it? It is something that is easier to NOT do instead of applying the advice and actually practice what you need to depending on what you are studying? And most importantly, when you do practice are you allowing yourself to actually feel the practice experience or simply mechanically putting in the time to get through with it for now? There is a huge difference between them. In order to excel at anything requires practice, devoted practice and we know that. However, when it comes to the mind, our thinking, and wishing for things in our life to be better, how do we go about it? Oh, sure, we do a few affirmations, maybe for as long as 30 days. And we work on meditating and picturing what we want and that’s the problem – we work on or at it. That is resistance in itself; when we can’t just let ourselves flow into a state of calmness to actually meditate or feel the energy of our affirmations. Then we determine that’s not working so then we go looking for something else that will “fix” this issue for us. Off we go purchasing the next sparkly, best thing that’s out there to “fix” it-or so that’s what they say about their sparkly product. We do a lot of “shelf-study” and YouTube watching and still nothing much if anything changes and for sure it’s not permanent. What’s missing? What are you doing wrong, you ask yourself? What are you studying? How are you studying? Do you just read it to get on to the next chapter or the end? Is that “study”? How many times do you read it over? Do you know it well enough that you have infused yourself and totally emerged with the essence of what you studied? Now, let’s go back to Practice. Changing anything starts with your mindset of how you consciously and unconsciously think about things and that takes Practice. Practice in the right way with excitement, focus, emotion, acceptance, and forgiveness is how you succeed. Forgiveness of old impressions that you feel you need to hold on to. When you start to look at practice as a beautiful thing, an amazing skill, tool, a gift to bring you all that you ever wanted, you will be excited to apply your practice every day. Soon you will start to see and feel a change happening that is marvelous. You will notice that your confidence gets stronger and stronger. How long do you think the surgeon, the concert pianist, or the airplane pilot had to study and practice? Now think about how long and to what extent you study and practice. Would you feel safe and confidently secure to get on a plane with you as the pilot? Or to go through an operation with you as the doctor or surgeon? Or go attend and pay for a concert with you at the keyboard of the piano? Why would you think that changing the way that your mind works, thinks, and creates things in your life, every second of the day, would take any less attention to study and practice than the pilot, surgeon or pianist? They are studying and practicing for their occupation. YOU are studying and practicing for your LIFE. Big difference wouldn’t you say? I would. So how do you want to or how are you living your life? Whenever you want to make changes, any change, you need to apply yourself and be patient. How long have you been living with the mindset and thinking you already built your life around? Change takes effort and time. Any change, especially one for the better, that is a positive life change is an effort because our habit wants us to stay as we already are. Your little habit gremlin tries to convince you that you’ve been here for so long and it’s comfortable to just stay. But are you happy and comfortable with how you are? Aren’t you looking for something more, for a change? So, wouldn’t you agree with me that study and practice are majorly important? I’m sure you can see this by now. I never said it was easy but with determination and willingness to really want or need something to change in your life, you will accomplish it. Just remember, study and practice – really study and really practice - and you will start to see some wonderful changes manifesting in your life, in your world. I hope this message I received today from Spirit after my morning meditation has been helpful to you and answered some of your questions and concerns as to why something you think you are doing right has not worked or wasn’t permanent. Much love Madalyn
In Napoleon Hill’s classic book, Think and Grow Rich, the tenth step toward riches is called “The Mystery of Sexual Transmutation.” Have you ever wondered what that is? What does sex have to do with getting rich and the manifestation of your dreams? It’s confusing to many people, so let’s talk about it. The Supreme Intelligence of Life seeks to create and expand infinitely Let’s start by defining the word “transmute,” which is, “the changing, or transferring of one element, or form of energy, into another.” So what, exactly, are we changing or transferring in this context? The energy of desire. Like it or not, this world is all about desire. Desire for riches and abundance. Desire for peace. Desire for health. Desire for the perfect mate. And, yes, the desire for sex, which is our most powerful desire. Napoleon Hill put it this way: “When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times.” The desire or urge for sexual expression is natural and inborn and it should not be suppressed or eliminated. Instead, it should be given an additional beneficial outlet. Sex transmutation is re-directing the mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of another creative effort. According to Hill, doing this has the potential to… Transform mediocrity into genius And that’s what sexual energy or desire has to do with getting rich and manifesting your dreams. The thought of sex is a powerful stimulant for our mind. It keys up our enthusiasm, creative imagination, and creates an intense desire. Do you know what else stimulates the mind to nearly the same degree? A burning desire for something, such as fame, power, or money. “When harnessed and redirected along other lines, this motivating force [sex] maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc. which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.” – Napoleon Hill If you can get yourself into the heightened state of emotional intensity that Hill describes, you will be:
How do you reach this exalted state of mind? To access the state of mind of geniuses, you must stimulate your mind so that it reaches a high vibration. You must have an intense desire and be enthusiastic, similarly to when you’re motivated by sex. This will bring your mind to the state of awareness described above. In this expanded state of consciousness, you have access to sources of knowledge that you would not otherwise have when you’re involved in everyday reality thinking (worry, obsessing, trivial pursuits, etc.). Think about it… When all of your passion and sexual energy is focused on the pursuit of someone and the attempt to win their affection, your mind fires on all cylinders! The same happens when you transmute that passion and energy into your work, a business idea, or earning money. Here’s are a couple of examples of how you can use sex transmutation to access this genius state of mind: Stimulate your mind by thinking of a current or past genuine love and passionate sex. Bathe your mind in these thoughts. It will heighten your awareness and take your mind off of your present problems or challenges. With your mind off of any unpleasant realities of life, it may wander into the world of fantasy. Once there, it may yield exciting ideas, goals, or plans that could change the entire financial or spiritual status of your life. Or… let’s say you’ve been working on something, but you’re stuck. Once you’re in this higher state of mind, think about what you want to achieve. Then, focus your mind on all the information you have gathered and all the actions that you have taken so far. Then allow a perfect mental picture to arise of what remains unfinished. Hold that vision and let it saturate your mind. Then let it go. Clear your mind of all thought. And wait for the next step(s) to “flash” into your mind. The key is to consciously and deliberately cultivate and use your imagination and intuition while you’re in this heightened state. Your imagination and intuition are direct links between your finite mind and Infinite Intelligence. The secret of highly successful people We all have urges. Hunger is an urge. Self-preservation is an urge. Being social or gregarious is an urge. Urges play out in our lives as normal, sub-normal or above normal. For instance, if you have a sub-normal self-preservation urge, you may be a daredevil. Or if you have an above normal hunger drive, you may be overweight. Well, sex is an urge. It is the creative urge. As such, sex transmutation is the great secret of every great inventor, artist, and highly successful person. With respect to the urge for sex, the trick of an effective life is to keep a balance between physical sex and creative work. If you make a conscious and deliberate choice to do that, you can experience the best of both worlds. PGI blog share
Many years ago, Earl Nightingale said, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
That was the best definition of success I’ve ever come across. So, let’s talk about how YOU can realize your worthy ideal. And how you can keep achieving your ideals or goals, one after another, in the years ahead. Before we get started, let’s get clear on two things… First, any time you want to make a significant change, whether it’s earning a lot more money or ending world hunger, you’re not just trying to change your income or feed more people. You’re trying to change a paradigm—the ideas, beliefs, and habits you have about those ideas. And second, you can’t change your paradigm with self-will alone. If you understand those two things—and you’re ready and willing to change, you’ll be amazed by where it leads you The Only Two Ways to Change a Paradigm One way to change a paradigm is to experience an emotional impact that hits you so hard that your life is never the same. It’s usually a negative or troubling event, such as a death, an act of violence, or a natural disaster, but it can also be positive. Since significant emotional impacts are unpredictable, I strongly recommend using repetition, the second way to change a paradigm. Repetition is exposing yourself to a new idea over and over again. The point of repetition is not to memorize information, but rather to impress the idea or image into your subconscious or emotional mind enough times that it replaces the old idea or paradigm that resides there. Repetition is the Mother of All Learning Repetition is one of the primary ways we learn. And changing a paradigm is ultimately learning (or adopting) new beliefs and habits. You see, our paradigm is tricky. It has us accepting the concept that if we can remember and repeat information, we’ve learned it. Not so. Regardless of how often we’ve heard it or how many people believe it, that is not learning—it is merely gathering information. This is precisely why so many people continually get the same results. They read books and attend seminars, but very little changes. The main thing that does change is their frustration is heightened. LEARNING IS WHEN…
A Closer Look Consciously entertaining an idea—in this case, your goal—is easy. Emotionalizing the idea so that it gets planted in the subconscious mind is anything but easy because your paradigm is deeply rooted in you. It has been running the show for a long time, and it does not want to change. Let’s say your goal is to lose 30 pounds in a year. That’s a worthy ideal; however, your paradigm wants you to stay just the way you are. The paradigm doesn’t want to lose the weight, so it’s prepared to throw up roadblocks to keep you at or near your current weight. When you start snacking on carrot sticks and hitting the gym, your paradigm fights back with statements like, “Come on… one piece of bread isn’t going to hurt you” or “You’ve got too much to do to go to the gym. You can go later.” So you must keep repeating your goal and impressing the image of the slimmer you over and over until it starts to take hold in your subconscious mind. That’s because initially, the image is weak because it’s only in your conscious mind. It’s like a little sapling planted there. Repetition works to loosen the soil of the conscious mind and allow the new image to take root in the subconscious mind. The more you impress the image into your emotional mind, the stronger it becomes. Eventually, the old image (the paradigm) weakens, and the new one replaces it, and you move into the vibration that the image creates. Choose Well This process works because it is aligned with natural laws. That said, it’s important to be mindful of the ideas that you are planting. Unlike the conscious mind, the subjective mind is totally subjective. It accepts whatever you give it. So, ANYTHING that you say, write, or feel over and over again will eventually become fixed in the subconscious mind… As a little kid, I was late for school fairly often. So the teacher would have me write a hundred times, “I’m late for school. I’m late for school.” What she didn’t understand was that she was actually programming me to be late for school! Just 15 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life Each day, you allocate a portion of your time to certain things. You eat every day. You wash your body. You get dressed. Well, if you want to improve the quality of your life, start allocating a portion of each day to changing your paradigm. Use the **download below today to start dedicating time to building a new image in your mind by writing your goal—in the present tense—at the top of the sheet. Then, immediately afterward, write your goal with your opposite hand ten times. Then, do it again later today so that you have written your goal 20 times with the opposite hand. Tomorrow, take a new sheet and repeat this process, writing with your opposite hand, twice a day. Doing this for just 15 minutes a day for the next 30 days will pay huge dividends in shifting your paradigm. And here’s something else I highly recommend… Become an actor. Write a script that details how you really want to live, and then read it and re-read it. Memorize the script and then internalize it. Become the script. Become emotionally involved with it. And then, you’ll start to live the part. There’s a very good reason that people say repetition is the mother of all learning. But, don’t believe what anyone else says. Give it a shot for yourself to let the principle of repetition prove itself to you. I know you’ll be glad that you did. To your success, Bob Proctor ** You will find you free download on my Free closed FB Group "Ignite Your Imagineer Self." As we approach the halfway mark of 2022, it may be time to refresh your goals.
I say that because half of the people who set goals at the beginning of the year abandon those goals by the end of January. And by mid-year, many people who continued with their goals in February have either given up on them or let them fade away. The result? They fall back into old habits and continue to get the results they so desperately wanted to change at the beginning of the year. I don’t want that to happen to you this year. So today, I’m sharing five strategies that will help you refresh your goals and put you squarely back on the road to realizing them—perhaps by year’s end. However, there’s one thing I think it’s vital for you to understand. You should be aware of what’s really going on when you abandon your goals. Otherwise, you will continue to fall short of achieving them. You may think you know why you have difficulty reaching certain goals. However, if you’re like most people, you are lying to yourself. Here are the three underlying reasons you may sometimes find it hard to stick with your goals. Reason 1: You Don’t Believe You Can Do ItI want you to think about something: You are God’s highest form of creation. You can use your thoughts to create almost anything you seriously want. No other creature on earth can do that. Unlike any other being, you have an imagination that you can use to create something that has never existed. Something that changes the world. And you can break performance records, write best-selling books, live in the house of your dreams, build homes for families and schools for children in need, and make all the money you want. You can do all those things and much more. But you have to believe in yourself. The question is, why don’t you believe you can achieve your goals and dreams? The truth is much of it is not your fault… Many of the beliefs you’ve been programmed with have been around for hundreds of years. Those beliefs might have made sense a long time ago, but they are absurd today since we live in such a different world. So, many of your current beliefs must be upgraded to align with what’s possible in today’s world. Leland Val Van de Wall said, “Our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something, and frequently if we reevaluate a situation, our belief about that situation will change.” So if you don’t believe you can achieve your goal, it’s time to reevaluate some things, such as…
Reason 2: Your Goal Doesn’t Inspire YouIf you abandon a goal, it may be because it’s not exciting enough for you to put in the effort to reach it. While it might be something you feel you have to do or should do, it may not inspire you. Instead of setting uninspiring goals that you think you can achieve with just a bit more effort, permit the thought that you truly are God’s highest form of creation to flow through your entire being. Give yourself a new title: Director. Realize that as the director of your life, you can make any movie you want. Decide what story you want to tell, what scenes you want to shoot, and how you want the movie to end. Let your mind go and write down several things that you’d really, really like to be, do, or have this year. Then, pick one big and beautiful idea as your goal—something that will inspire you. Otherwise, you will be far more likely to give up on it when the road to its manifestation gets rough. Reason 3: You Try to Change the End ResultMany people struggle to reach their goals because they set a goal without changing how they think. For example, a salesperson with low sales will set a high-income goal for the year but give up on it within a few months. Or someone may decide that this is the year that they’ll finally get in shape. So, they start running five days a week, lift weights three days a week, and change their diet. However, within a few weeks, they stop exercising and go back to eating the way they’ve always eaten. Year after year, these people fall into the same old patterns that keep them from making the required changes to reach their goals. But why? They are trying desperately to change their END RESULTS. However, the RESULTS they get are and will continue to get will be determined by their ACTIONS, which are always motivated by their mindset. An unseen enemy stops these people because they do not understand that their mindset is the actual cause of their results. This is a common error that you may also be making. You may identify with your present results because they are in harmony with your current mindset. Make Success InevitableWhenever you have failed to reach a goal, it was primarily due to one thing: what was going on in your mind at the time. So, this year, practice the following to shift your mindset to align with your goal: 1. Visualize. Hold an image in your mind of a goal that truly inspires you (if the one you have now doesn’t excite you, build a new one). 2. Think about the mindset you need to achieve your goal and act as if every day. 3. Make personal development a priority and listen to people who have already done what you want to do. 4. Push past your discomfort and stick to a habit (such as doing one to three goal-oriented tasks) that will move you closer to your goal and the life you want. 5. Get an accountability partner and report to them regularly. You will bring more of yourself to the surface when you develop these habits. And, over time, you will realize that reaching your goal becomes not merely “possible” or “probable, it becomes practically inevitable. To more and better, Sandy Gallagher P.S. Here’s something else that will help you move closer to your goals for 2022. Use the report card to help you see where you’re doing well and which areas need improvement. Get your free report card under Guides/Goals from my private closed group in FaceBook "Ignite Your Imagineer Self." |
AuthorI Help People Manifest Total Health, Full Wealth and Abundance through their own Divine One-ness of "All There Is" so They can Live Their Wildest Dreams. Archives
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